Extreme Universe
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University
русский / english

Working timetable

October 2011 - December 2011

1.1Status discussion of the "UFFO-pathfinder" instruments for the "Lomonosov" mission. Analysis of preflight calibration and of the tests data.
1.2Kick-off meeting for the "Extreme Universe Laboratory", and presentation and discussion of research goals of the project and of the steps to achieve those with an accent on 2011-2012 yrs.
1.3Formulation of the scientific and technical goals to develop simulation and data pipe-line processing software to test configurations and technical parameters of gamma-monitors for "UFFO-100".

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January 2012 - June 2012

2.1Comparative analysis of "UFFO-pathfinder" pre-flight calibration and test data with the flight data of "UFFO-pathfinder" and of other "Lomonosov" astrophysics related experiment data. Preparing proposals to improve performance of the "UFFO-100" follow-up mission.
2.2Optimization of the high redshift gamma-ray burst detection based on the results of analytical modeling of gamma-ray burst spectra and afterglow light-curves for extreme cases.
2.3GRB observation optimization for high z project:
  • development of analytic methods for calculations of GRB spectra;
  • development of methods for rapid determination of a likely high z object by burst peak time luminosity distribution, gamma-ray saturated absorption, prompt emission darkness/redness;
2.4Numerical simulation of the Gammascope and GROME-S pathfinder experiments capabilities:
  • to perform sky imaging at the real experimental conditions, including instrument position on the spacecraft, real gamma-ray sources positions on the sky, background variations for selected orbits;
  • optimization of PSD and coding mask parameters for the real space experiment background at "Lomonosov" orbit, modeling of the instrument response function;
2.5Optimization of the GROME-S position sensitive detectors parameters, modeling of the instrument response functions, including polarization measurements for long and short gamma-bursts with the different fluence.

July 2012 - December 2012

2.6Evaluation of the instrumental intrinsic asymmetry in Compton scattering regime of gamma-photons detection.
2.7Study of the reachable physical parameters (time and energy resolution, spatial resolution and inner background) of the gamma-monitors PSD pixel detectors based on the use of new types of scintillating crystals (LaBr3:Ce, CeBr3, GSO, L(Y)SO etc.) and of new types photo-sensors like Si-PM, Si APD, and SDD, etc).
2.8Elaboration of read-out and data processing electronics for Gammascope and GROME-S pathfinder instruments.
2.9Workshop to present and discuss achievements and problems of the project encountered during first half of 2012, and to discuss steps to achieve goals for the 2012 yr as a whole.
2.10Preliminary analysis of the "UFFO-pathfinder" and of other "Lomonosov" mission astrophysics related experiment data.
2.11Preparing proposals to improve performance of the follow-up mission for "UFFO-pathfinder", like "UFFO-100".
2.12Laboratory modeling of elements of the potential gamma-ray monitors for "UFFO-pathfinder" follow up mission:
  • PSD pixellated system;
  • System of active anticoincidence shielding;
  • improvement of gamma-quanta energy measurement modes, including trigger and front-end read-out electronics;
  • coding mask elements.
2.13Manufacturing and testing of Gammascope and GROME-S PSD laboratory models, experimental estimation of time, energy and position resolution.
  • Figure of merit (FoM) derivation based on above simulations and calibration of the GROME-S prototype at the beam of polarized photons in France, Russia, or USA.
2.14Elaboration of data storage and processing units for gamma-monitors of the "UFFO-100" experiment.
2.15Development of methods for high z GRB identification by using:
  • H band dropout:
  • High-z lyman-alpha forest lines in the NIR spectra;
  • High-z host absorption lines in the NIR spectra;
  • High-z host features in NIR (post-burst analysis).
2.16Optimization study of "UFFO-100" optical, NIR and MIR sub-systems:
  • filters;
  • fast cameras;
  • NIR sensors.
2.17Development of the innovative technology for production of gamma-monitors coding mask, PSDs and electronics units.
2.18Workshop (working meeting) to present and discuss achievements and problems of the project encountered during 2012, and to discuss plans of work for 2013.

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January 2013 - June 2013

3.1Analysis of "UFFO-pathfinder" and of other "Lomonosov" astrophysics relevant experimental data.
3.2Elaboration of Gammascope and GROME-S pathfinder software:
  • elaboration of data processing software and it adaptation for experimental tasks;
  • elaboration of telemetry processing software in automatic mode;
  • elaboration of software for preliminary real-time data processing;
  • development of the data bases and methods to import experimental scientific data to archive.
3.3Elaboration of the "UFFO-100", and Gammascope and GROME-S pathfinder design documentation for space mission implementation.
3.4Preparation of a training project for master and PhD students to perform polarization measurements and a data analysis of the gamma-ray emission from the Crab nebula with the use of the high-altitude balloon flight of the gamma-monitors prototype.
3.5Workshop to present and discuss achievements and problems of the project encountered during first half of 2013, and to discuss steps to achieve goals for the 2013 yr as a whole.

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July 2013 - December 2013

3.6Further analysis of "UFFO-pathfinder" and of other "Lomonosov" astrophysics relevant experimental data.
3.7Manufacturing of engineering models of "UFFO-100", Gammascope and GROME-S pathfinder instruments for "Multi-Messenger Astroparticle Mission" (Nucleon).
3.8Study of ways of new type instrumentation development for GRB and of other astrophysical transient phenomena observations (GROME etc...) relevant to the topic of "Extreme Universe".
3.9Verification of the time resolution level that can be achieved with new types of NIR, and MIR cameras, and with new type photo-sensors usable for scintillating crystals read-out for use in "UFFO-100" experiment.
3.10Simulation of the potential follow-up X-ray and gamma-ray detectors that can be used for the follow-up missions to study Universe at the extremely high-redshifts.
3.11Workshop to present and discuss achievements of the project during year 2013, and the whole duration of the project, and to discuss potential and plans for future development of the project concept for year 2014 and 2015.

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2011-2025 © Extreme Universe Laboratory
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (MSU SINP),
1(2), Leninskie gory, GSP-1, Moscow 119234, Russian Federation