George Fitzgerald Smoot III
Nobel Laureate in Physics 2006
Research area: Astronomy and Astrophysics

George Fitzgerald Smoot III
Professional Experience
1994- | Professor, Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley. |
1971- | Research Physicist, University of California, Berkeley, Space Sciences Laboratory. |
1974- | Joint appointment, Research Physicist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. |
Primary research
(1) Observational cosmology and particle physics utilizing the cosmic background radiation as a probe of the early universe. These include, work on COBE and Planck satellites, and airborne and ground-based experiments to extend anisotropy and spectrum measurements to greater accuracy. Also, work on the SNAP mission to utilize supernovae and gravitational lensing as cosmological probes.
(2) Cosmic radiation measurement utilizing balloon-borne superconducting magnetic spectrometers. Work on HEAO satellite cosmic ray experiment, including design and testing on one-year lifetime liquid helium cryostat containing a superconducting magnet. Design tests of total absorption shower counter and calorimeter at Bevatron, NAL, and SLAC. Work on Astronomy, a superconducting magnetic spectrometer for the Space Station. High-energy neutrino astronomy including work on AMANDA and IceCube projects.
1975-1997 | Member of Steering Group on Cosmic Background Explorer satellite and Principal Investigator on isotropy experiment (NASA). |
1982-1990 | Member of White Mountain Research Station Advisory Committee. |
1985-1996 | Superconducting Magnet Facility, Space Station Study Team as Magnet Scientist. |
1988-2000 | Member of The Center for Particle Astrophysics at UC Berkeley. |
1990-1998 | Member of Radio Astronomy Laboratory Advisory Committee. |
1993- | Member of Planck Mission Team. |
1996-2000 | Member of AMANDA Collaboration and IceCube Design Team. |
1996 | LBNL Nuclear Science Division Search Committee. |
1996- | The Advisory Committee for the Space Sciences Laboratory. |
1997 | Director Search Committee Chair, Space Science Laboratory. |
2000- | Member of SNAP Mission Team. |
2007- | Director, Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics. |
Memberships, Awards and Honors
Sigma Xi, American Physical Society, American Astronomical Society
American Association for Advancement of Science, International Astronomical Union
NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement (May 1991)
Popular Science Award (Nov 1992)
Aerospace Laureate, Aviation Week & Space Technology (Apr 1993)
1993 Distinguished Scientist, ARCS Foundation, Inc. (Apr 1993)
Kilby Award (May 1993)
Gravity Research Foundation Essay First Award (May 1993)
Productivity Group Award, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA (May 1993)
American Achievement Golden Plate Award, (June 1994)
Lawrence Award, (March 1995)
Medal: Francois Fonde Le College De France (2002-2003)
Einstein Medal, Albert Einstein Society, Switzerland (2003)
Gruber Prize with John Mather (2006)
Nobel Prize in Physics, with John Mather (2006)
Daniel Chalonge Medal, International School of Astrophysics (2006)
Member, International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
Docteur Honoris Causa, De L'Universite de la Mediterranee (2007)
Board of Directors, Chabot Space and Science Center, (2007)
Books and Other Selected Publications
- Wrinkles in Time, G.F. Smoot and K. Davidson, Little Brown, London (1993); Wm. Morrow, New York, (1994)
- "Report to the American Physical Society by the Study Group on Light-Water Reactor Safety," H.W. Lewis, et al., Reviews of Modern Physics 47 (1975)
- "Detection of Anisotropy in the Cosmic Blackbody Radiation," G.F. Smoot et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 39, 898 (1977)
- "Search for Linear Polarization of the Cosmic Background Radiation," P.M. Lubin, and G.F. Smoot, Phys. Rev. Lett. 42, 129 (1979)
- "Structure in the COBE Differential Microwave Radiometer First Year Maps," G.F. Smoot et al., Astrophysical Journal 396, L1 (1992)
- "Cosmic Microwave Background Probes Models of Inflation," R. Davis et al., astro-ph/9207001, Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 13 (1992)
- "Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum by the COBE FIRAS Instrument," J.C. Mather, et al., Astrophysical Journal 420, 439 (1994)
- "A Degree Scale Anisotropy Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Near the Star Gamma Ursae Minoris," J. Gundersen, et al., Astrophysical Journal, 413, L1 (1993)
- "Statistics and Topology of the COBE DMR First Year Sky Maps," G.F. Smoot et al., astro-ph/9312031, The Astrophysical Journal, 437, 1 (1994)
- "Gravity's Rainbow," G.F. Smoot and P.J. Steinhardt, astro-ph/9212003, Journal of Quantum and Classical Gravity 10, S19 (1993)
- "The Cosmic Background Radiation Anisotropy Satellite," M. Bersanelli, N. Mandolesi, G.F. Smoot, MemS.A.It., 66, (1995)
- "Constraints on the Topology of the Universe from the 2-year COBE Data," A. Costa and G.F. Smoot, astro-ph/9412003, Astrophysical Journal, 448, 477 (1995)
- "The Millimeter Wave Anisotropy Experiment (MAX)," S. Tanaka, et al., Astr. Lett. and Comm., 32, 223 (1995)
- "Measurements of Anisotropy in the CMB Radiation at 0o.5 Scales near the Stars HR5127 and Phi Herculis," S.T. Tanaka et al., Astrophysical Journal Lett. 468, L81 (1996)
- "Power Spectrum of Primordial Inhomogeneity Determined from the Four-Year COBE DMR Sky Maps," K.M. Gorski et al., Astrophysical Journal Lett. 464, L11 (1996)
- "Cosmology from MAXIMA-1, BOOMERANG, and COBE DMR cosmic microwave background observations," A.H. Jaffe, et al., astro-ph/0007333, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3475 (2001).
- "Extracting cosmic microwave background polarization from satellite astrophysical maps," C. Baccigalupi, et al., astro-ph/0209591
- "The large-scale polarization of the microwave background and foreground," Angelica de Oliveira-Costa et al., astro-ph/0212419
- "Determining Foreground Contamination in CMB Observations: Diffuse Galactic Emission in the MAXIMA-I Field," A. H. Jaffe, et al., astro-ph/0301077
- "My Einstein Suspenders," in My Einstein: Essays by Twenty-four of the World's Leading Thinkers on the Man, His Work, and His Legacy. John Brockman, ed. Pantheon, 2006.
- 1975-1997 Member of Steering Group on Cosmic Background Explorer satellite and Principal Investigator on isotropy experiment (NASA).
- Observational cosmology and particle physics utilizing the cosmic background radiation as a probe of the early universe. These include, work on COBE and Planck satellites, and airborne and ground-based experiments to extend anisotropy and spectrum measurements to greater accuracy. Also, work on the SNAP mission to utilize supernovae and gravitational lensing as cosmological probes.
- SPITZER IR background fluctuation studies.
- Head of LABEX proposal "UnivEarths" (Earths-Planets-Universe: observation, modeling, transfer) that combine the scientific expertise, technical know-how, experience in space experiments, and human resources of three research institutes, all international leaders in their disciplinary field, in order to develop original interdisciplinary research projects. Their expertise includes Earth and environmental sciences (IPGP), planetary sciences (IPGP, AIM), high energy astrophysics (AIM, APC), cosmology and fundamental physics (APC).